Edición FIID
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Sé parte, vía online, del evento más importante en Latinoamérica en la enseñanza de idiomas
La Universidad de Guadalajara a través de los centros de idiomas PROULEX y la Feria Internacional de Idiomas (FIID), te invita a participar en las 5.ª Edición de las FIID Webinars.
En esta edición exploraremos como la tecnología y los entornos de aprendizaje flexibles pueden facilitar el acceso a la educación en cualquier momento y lugar. El programa incluye pláticas con expertos que nos compartirán sus experiencias, estrategias y herramientas que están redefiniendo la enseñanza de idiomas en la era digital.
Miércoles 11 de diciembre de 2024
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Expertos de clase mundial
Seguir la programación de nuestras Webinars
09:00-09:10 h
Mensaje de Bienvenida del Director de la Feria Internacional de Idiomas 2025 Mtro. Edwin Bello.
09:10-09:55 h
Transcending the Walls of the Classroom through U-Learning: A New Paradigm for Teachers.
This talk explores the potential of ubiquitous learning (u-learning) to revolutionize educational methodologies and improve student engagement. U-learning transcends traditional boundaries by leveraging technology to create an omnipresent learning environment, where educational resources and experiences are accessible anytime and anywhere. This session will delve into practical strategies for integrating u-learning into classroom settings and pose the implications for future teaching practices. Teachers will gain insights into how to effectively implement u-learning to foster a more inclusive and dynamic educational landscape.
Explores the transformative journey of educators, highlighting the impact of technological advancements on teaching practices. Beginning with a historical overview, the session traces the evolution from traditional, lecture-based classrooms to progressive, student-centered approaches, and finally to the current age of information where ubiquitous learning prevails. The session delves into the core principles of ubiquitous learning, emphasizing accessibility, context-awareness, interactivity, seamlessness, and adaptability. It examines the transition of teachers from being primary knowledge providers to facilitators, mentors, and designers of personalized learning experiences. The session also introduces strategies and tools that support teachers in this paradigm, including the integration of digital technologies and blended learning models. Additionally, it addresses the challenges and opportunities associated with ubiquitous learning, offering practical solutions and highlighting the potential for innovation in education.
To develop strong reading skills, focus on four essential techniques that can deepen comprehension, build vocabulary, and increase speed and fluency. Previewing and Predicting: Before diving into a text, skim through it. Look at titles, headings, images, and keywords. This helps set context and create a framework for understanding. Predicting what the text might cover engages your mind, making it easier to connect ideas as you read. Active Questioning: As you read, ask questions about the content, author's intent, and main ideas. This keeps you engaged, encouraging critical thinking and analysis. It’s like having a conversation with the text, making it more interactive and memorable. Visualizing and Summarizing: Visualizing scenes, concepts, or data can help make abstract ideas more concrete. Summarizing what you’ve read, either aloud or in writing, reinforces understanding and aids memory retention. Reflecting and Reviewing: Reflect on the main points after reading. Reviewing key information soon afterward solidifies what you’ve learned. This habit strengthens recall and prepares you for deeper comprehension in future readings. By practicing these techniques, you can steadily improve your reading skills, leading to more enjoyable and productive reading experiences.
12:00-12:50 h
Le concept de la classe élargie dans l'apprentissage du français : quel renouveau dans la relation apprenant / enseignant ?
Parler de la la classe élargie, c’est réfléchir au nouveau rôle de l'enseignant de français et redéfinir son interaction avec son public. Avec le développement d'outils numériques de plus en plus intuitifs, l’apprenant étend son expérience en dehors des murs de la classe. Le professeur devient un médiateur et un facilitateur qui personnalise les parcours, aidant à la mise en oeuvre d'un travail en autonomie qui prolonge et enrichit les apports du cours traditionnel.
Il s’agit donc d’envisager la complémentarité des approches et explorer le champ des possibles pour permettre à l’élève d’adapter son temps de travail, et de pouvoir décider du moment et du lieu opportuns pour se (re)mettre en situation d’apprentissage. Applications, sites compagnons des manuels, travail collaboratif en ligne ou encore suivi des progrès en temps réel, nombreux sont les outils pour revisiter la relation entre l’enseignant et ses apprenants.
Gen Z, the generation born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, has a unique relationship; very different from other generations with English education. Their approach to English education is flexible, dynamic, and driven by a desire to connect globally. When it comes to Gen Z and English education, teachers need to adopt a mindset that aligns with the unique characteristics and learning preferences of this generation. In this talk, teachers will have a chance to look into how to connect with this new generation in English classroom.
13:50-15:00 h
Espacio de información comercial de nuestros patrocinadores.
This talk delves into innovative approaches to "U-Language Assessment," harnessing ubiquitous technology to enable seamless, anytime-anywhere language evaluation. Participants will critically explore the implementation of U-Language assessment systems across diverse educational contexts, engaging in discussions on ethical considerations and the transformative potential of these advancements for personalized learning pathways and equitable language proficiency assessment. Through a blend of reflection and practical insights, the talk aims to highlight how U-Language Assessment can reshape the future of language evaluation, making it more accessible, adaptive, and impactful.
Combining the natural evolutions with the post-pandemic measures in the landscape of education, ubiquitous learning (u-learning) has emerged as a transformative approach, facilitating continuous, technology-enhanced learning experiences. This session explores the critical skills students must develop and master to thrive in this dynamic environment. Participants will delve into key competencies such as digital literacy, self-regulation, adaptive learning, and collaborative problem-solving. By examining practical strategies and real-world examples, educators will gain valuable insights into fostering these essential skills in their students, ensuring they are well-equipped to navigate and excel in the u-learning paradigm.
16:50-17:00 h
Agradecimientos y promociones para FIID 2025 Presencial.