Emma Stokes worked as a clinical physiotherapist in St. James's Hospital, Dublin for 6 years, in the area of rehabilitation of older people and in stroke rehabilitation. She was appointed as a lecturer at the School of Physiotherapy in 1996. She is currently a Senior Lecturer and recently completed a 5 year term as Junior Dean and Registrar of Chambers. She is on sabbatical for the coming academic year. Her research interests are stroke rehabilitation, outcome measurement & more recently professional issues. She supervises 4 graduate students [previous supervision of 4 PhD students]. She recently completed a graduate degree at the School of Business in Trinity with a focus on management science and she will lead the development of a programme on management & leadership in physical therapy for the entry-level PT in 2011. She acts as a professional adviser to the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists, with a focus on preparing for the transition to the new regulatory authority in Ireland and she chairs the committee that reviews applications from international graduates who seek recognition of their qualifications prior to being able to work in Ireland, the ISCP being the designated authority for this function until the establishment of the Physiotherapists Registration Board. She is the representative of the European Region of WCPT on its Executive Committee where the focus of her work has been on accreditation, direct access/patient self-referral and patient satisfaction. She will be a candidate for the election of Vice-President of WCPT in 2011.